Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Finally! A Flickr Pool for the Vintage Valentine Corsage Swap!
Also, we are looking for suggestions for the next swap! Send us your ideas!
Cheers ~ The Goodness Girls
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Mailing day!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Valentine Swap CLOSED
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Vintage Valentine's Day Corsage Swap is now OPEN

Send one handmade vintage inspired Valentine's Day themed corsage and a sweet treat to your partner. Your corsage should include a pin back or large decorative straight pin so your partner can proudly wear it. You could also include an elastic band to make it a wrist corsage. Corsages should be at least 4 inches and will be made in either red or pink depending on your partner's preference. Feel free to include other accents like silver, gold or pearls. For inspiration see these fabulous vintage Christmas corsages at Magpie Ethel's: Christmas Corsage Collection
Sign up QUICKLY! We are only taking the first 24 participants. Swap sign ups close on Sunday January 9th. Partners will be sent out quickly on Monday and your swap needs to be in the mail NO LATER than February 1st so it can be enjoyed for Valentine's Day.
Send the following details to
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Valentine Swap - COMING SOON!
So, is anyone up for a Valentine Swap? If you chose to participate - you will MAKE one handmade vintage inspired Valentine corsage for your partner. You will mail your corsage and a sweet treat (it is Chocolate Day.......I mean Valentine's Day, of course!). You only have to make one thing and send a treat - Easy Peasey!
For a lot of sweet vintage inspired Christmas corsage eye candy visit Magpie Ethel to see her fabulous collection.
Since Christmas just ended and the holiday merchandise is being closed out, you might be able to find some red glittered goodness or red mercury glass or other fun red, white and pink things at a discount to help with your corsage.
Swap will be OPEN on Thursday morning. Limited to the first 24 participants. Mail out day will be January 31st. The Goodness Girls will match up like minded participants and have partners ready by Monday.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Still Kickin'
1 - You'd be assigned a partner and between the two of you would decide on a theme (if any) and stay to a preset mail out time.
2 - We can create a theme (even a series of themes) and you and your partner would stick to that. Examples: Vintage, Snow White, Silver and Gold, etc.
Thoughts? Leave your comments here about what you'd like to see and if you'd be interested in a small ornament swap.
cheers! Rebecca
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Flickr group created!
We expect that some of you have already received your swap packages (I did--it was fabulous!) and we'd love to see what you sent and what you received! We've created a Flickr group where you can share photos of your swap packages, so we'd love to see how you interpreted our swap theme and what you made!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Hey, Hey, it's Mailing Day!
Today is mailing day for the Midsummer Night's Dream swap. If for any reason you are not able to get your swap package out by today, PLEASE be courteous and contact your partner ASAP!
Additionally, if there is any reason that you are not going to be able to fulfill your part of the swap, please be courteous and contact both your partner and us ( ASAP!
We'll post a Flickr group later this week so you can post photos of all the lovely things that you made and sent.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Inspiration: Fairy Gardens
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Quotes to inspire you
"Since once I sat upon a promontory,
And heard a mermaid on a dolphin's back
Uttering such dulcet and harmonious breath,
That the rude sea grew civil at her song,
And certain stars shot madly from their spheres
To hear the sea-maid's music."
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 2. 1
"I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,
Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows,
Quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine,
With sweet musk-roses and with eglantine."
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 2. 1
"You spotted snakes with double tongue,
Thorny hedgehogs, be not seen;
Newts and blind-worms, do no wrong,
Come not near our fairy queen."
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 2. 2
"So we grew together,
Like to a double cherry, seeming parted,
But yet an union in partition.
Two lovely berries moulded on one stem;
So, with two seeming bodies, but one heart."
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 3. 2
What angel wakes me from my flowery bed?
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 3. 1
Out of this wood do not desire to go.
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 3. 1
Lord, what fools these mortals be!
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 3. 2
The lunatic, the lover, and the poet
Are of imagination all compact.
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 5. 1
The lover, all as frantic,
Sees Helen's beauty in a brow of Egypt:
The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling,
Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven;
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen
Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name.
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 5. 1
The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve;
Lovers, to bed; 'tis almost fairy time.
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 5. 1
If we shadows have offended,
Think but this, and all is mended,
That you have but slumbered here
While these visions did appear.
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 5. 1
Monday, July 26, 2010
Midsummer Night's Dream Swap --week 2
Monday, July 19, 2010
SWAP Closed!
Partner emails went out Monday evening. Please let us know if you did not receive it @
The Goodness Girls
Monday, July 12, 2010
Midsummer Night's Dream Swap Sign-up
In order to participate in this swap, you must have swapped with Sweet Goodness Swaps before. Please, if you commit to a swap, follow through. If you cannot mail on time, please let your partner know as well as the Goodness Girls. If, for some reason, you cannot follow through on your commitment, please email the Goodness Girls as soon as possible so that other arrangements can be made for your partner.
***Sorry, only open to USA and Canada at this time. (we love our international friends, but shipping costs can be very prohibitive.)***
To sign up: Please send an email to: with the following information:
Blog address or website:
Are you willing to ship to Canada?
You MUST send all of this information in your email in order to be accepted in this swap. An “I’m IN” email isn’t enough.
What are you waiting for? Sign up NOW! It's going to be fun!
Friday, July 9, 2010
The swappers have spoken: the winner!
Sign-ups for this swap will begin on Monday, July 12. See you then!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Vote For the Next Swap NOW!
Here are the choices:
1. Midsummer's Night Dream Swap submitted by Aimee-Suzanne:
Think: Romantic Shakespearean style, glittering fireflies with gossamer wings, floaty gowns, watercolors & wildflowers, floral garlands, green ferns, vintage instruments and Poetry.
2. Vintage Drive-In Movie Swap submitted by Paula:
Think: hot vintage cars, singing hot dogs, popcorn, coca-cola, poodle skirts, big hair and Grease. Fun old movie's up through the 70's and even 80's watched under a sky full of stars.
3. Fruit Crate Label/Fruit Swap submitted by Cakegirl:
Think: Linens with fruit, berry baskets, anything related to fruits or vegetables.
We felt that all three of these themes fit the summertime theme well. There is plenty of room for creativity in these swaps too!
Vote for your favorite swap through July 1st.
Winning swap will be announced shortly thereafter and signups will begin.
Monday, June 7, 2010
New Swap Contest!!!!!
***Ideas accepted through June 20th.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Flickr Pool for Vintage Cowgirl Swap
Have a safe and happy long weekend!
~ The Goodness Girls
Let Goodness Reign
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Cowgirl Swap Mail Out Time! Round'em Up!

Please remember that if you are going to be late in sending out your swap for ANY reason, contact your partner and copy If you have any questions regarding this swap or anything else about SGS please drop us a line!
We are giving you the chance to see your swap dreams come true. Stay tuned for a contest to dream up the next swap here at SGS. We'll be picking our favorites and putting them to a vote. The winner will receive a lovely prize!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Vintage Cowgirl Swap Coming to a Close!

A summer swap contest will be announced soon. We'll be asking for your swap ideas and then we'll put them to a vote. The winner will see their swap become reality and win a prize! Stay tuned here or on the Facebook fan page for more details.
The Goodness Girls
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Swapper Found!
Giddy up!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Vintage Cowgirl Swapper Needed!
The Goodness Girls
Saturday, April 24, 2010
SWAP Closed!
We will contact those that signed up in the next day to confirm your placement in the swap. Partner emails will then be sent out next week.
For those of you who missed the fun there will be a summer swap.
Y'all come back, ya hear!
Friday, April 23, 2010
New Swap! Calling All Vintage Cowgirls!
Think gingham, calico, and bandanna. Turquoise. Belt buckles and boots (the bigger the better!) Stars. Chuckwagons and cast iron. Pioneer Women.
Challenge: you must use a vintage cowgirl image in your swap package. Get creative! Find images on Google and Flickr by searching words like vintage cowgirl or cowgirl pin-ups.
As always have a thrifted item, handmade item, and throw some sweet goodness in there, too! Packages should be valued at $15 not including shipping.
Newbies accepted. This swap will accept newbies so they can get experience swapping for the big no-newbie swap this summer.
Sign up right away by sending your name, email, and web info (if you have it) to . We are closing it at 20 people. This is a small swap.
Once the swap closes we will work on partnering up and have them to you sometime on Friday, April 30th and Saturday, May 1st.
We are random number generating the pairs this time. It will be luck of the draw!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
New Swap Coming Soon!

Hello SGS swappers! A new swap will be announced soon so please stay tuned! More details to come after the Easter holiday.
Also, for our Facebook fans, please visit the Discussion Board to see the latest addition - a one on one swap board. This is a place to post ideas for one on one swaps and meet new crafty people. You can post your swap idea and ask those who are interested to send you a message. Once you have a participant you can post a note on the board that your swap is full. Well let me put it in the wonderful words of Swap Mistress Shara:
"Here is an area for people to meet and do one on one swaps. If you are looking to do a certain type of swap - feel free to post what you are looking to swap. If anyone is interested, they can contact you about it. So, be sure to leave your email address or blog address so they can contact you. Once you make contact with each other, it is up to the two of you to agree to a theme, price limit (if needed) and mail out time.
*Disclaimer* These swaps will not be considered part of Sweet Goodness Swaps or the Goodness Girls. If you make an arrangement to swap with someone, make sure you are comfortable with them before you agree to swap. SGS will not be held accountable or responsible for any swaps in this area. However, once you complete a swap, we would love to hear how it turned out!
Don't forget - Be Good and Be Sweet to each other! *And have fun!*"
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The New & Improved SGS
We are hard at work here at Sweet Goodness Swaps trying to find ways to improve the quality of your swap experiences. Super smarty pant swap mistress, Shara, suggested we get a Facebook page. So please visit us here! Become our fan and join us for discussions, swap photos and tutorials. We are also now on Twitter - find us by searching SGSwaps or clicking here. Remember you can also join our email list by clicking on the link on the side bar.
We're taking it to the next level. We are also always looking for swap ideas. Our next swap will be announced after Easter. It will be limited to those who have swapped with us in the past OR those who come recommended by our previous swappers. We will be opening swaps to new comers (who do not know any of our previous swappers) in the future when we set up a better screening process. Unfortunately we had too many flakers in the holiday swap.
But please! Join us over at FB and join the Swap Revolution. Always be sweet to each other.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Swap Drama - Observations
Participation Selection:
We like to have as many participants in our swaps as possible. However, we usually limit each swap to the first 50 sign ups as it becomes very difficult to deal with the amount of email and follow up if the number is larger. Plus a smaller group gives us an opportunity to give more personalized assistance when needed.
For most swaps we allow in any one who would like to join. Some swaps in the past have been limited to those who have successfully swapped with us before or those who are recommended by our previous swappers or known friends.
Those people who have signed up for swaps and HAVE NOT completed them are not invited back. There are some exceptions to this rule, such as the person contacting both us and their partner with their extenuating circumstances or someone dropping out early and our ability to fill their spot in time. We understand that things come up and don't hold this against people but we do tend to not reinvite those who in the past haven't even bothered to contact their partners or send any packages.
Screening Process:
We have started using a questionnaire that needs to be filled out in order to sign up for the swap. This helps us to not only get to know our swappers but to match up partners with similar interests.
We keep a list of those who have swapped with us in the past and use this to try to insure no one gets the same partner they have had in the past to add variety to the swaps.
Other than this we take everyone into consideration and ASSUME they will send a complete and quality swap. We want to give everyone a chance to join in and have fun.
Swapping always involves a bit of risk though all of our swaps have a very high success rate and we have a wonderful core of returning swappers. We do our best to solve all swap issues and assist where needed. We also would like to remind everyone that we do for fun as we enjoy swapping with our creative folks out there and coming up with fun and new swap themes.
We encourage your feedback and thoughts. As we change our swap mailbox with each swap your general comments and feedback can be sent to
Thank you for continuing to swap with us. Spring swap details coming soon!
Fondly ~ Rebecca
Monday, December 28, 2009
Swap Reminders
We hope that everyone has receive their packages and has had fun getting to know their partner. If, heaven forbid, anyone has NOT received a package, please drop the Goodness Girls an email at so we can make it a good experience for you.
Also, we have a Flick'r group set up at Don't forget to check out the goodies and post your pictures as well.
Thanks for a great swap! We hope everyone enjoyed the theme this time. Be sure to sign up for email announcements for our swaps so you can know about our NEXT swap!
The Goodness Girls
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Flickr group!
We hope that by now most of you are anxiously awaiting or have received your swap packages! We've created a Flickr group where you can show off pictures of the items you sent or received. Come join us!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Sparkling Winter White Mailing Day
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Swap angel needed...
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sparkling Winter White Swap Button

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Swap Partner Info and Blog Listings
Kersten C.
Altered Gypsy
Liz M.
Scrapilicious Life
Jennifer M.
Our Snapshot Life
Melanie L.
Mel's Crazy World
Dara S.
Deetle's Bird
Michelle C.
Mama's Journal
Cassie S.
Gifts For Nonnie
Nanci H
Julia C
Rachel K
Chippy Cottage Charm House
Ann T
Keepin Up With The Tatums
Raesha d
My Love
Emily R
Jaybird and Me
Rebecca R
Thrifty Goodness
em R
10000 beads
Robyn H
Happy House of Haas
Patty L
Sally S
Wendy K
The Corvidarium
Shawnee H
Shawnee's Tangled Tales
Jenny S
The Red Bulletin Board
Sue D
Bountiful Acres
Catiean & Co.
Susan G
Days Too Short
Carol C
Sassafras and Lulu
Tammy R
Home in Virginia
Monica V
Ruby Begonia's
Tammy S
Let's Slip Away
Jenn H
Mysteries of the Juniper
Whitney D
Pink and Green Pup
Ali H
Ashley C
Life is Beautiful
Jane L
Out of the Crayon Box
Andrea O
Aimee S
Erica V
Angela C
no blog
Charlene R
Amanda N
no blog
Genevieve O
Gretchen B
no blog
Mary K
Vintage Patina
Shara S
Theresa F
no blog
Kelly W
Java's Whimsy
Julie M
Laurie T
Kelly K
Heidi G
Vacuuming in High Heels
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Swap is ON, Not Hibernating
As for the Sparkling Winter White Swap - all partners will be notified by Monday morning. Then you can "Get Your Sparkle ON"!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sparkling Winter White Swap is NOW OPEN!
To sign up: Please send an email to: with the following information:
Blog address or website:
What are your hobbies?
What is your favorite thing about Winter?
Do you have any allergies? (Scents, foods)
Do you collect anything?
What Winter Holidays do you celebrate?
What is your decorating Style? (Modern, vintage, country, primitive, etc.)
What are you waiting for? Sign up NOW! It's going to be fun!
*The Goodness Girls
Rebecca, Heidi, Shara, Jodi and Leigh Ann
Friday, November 6, 2009
Swap Open Monday November 9th
Monday, October 19, 2009
Swapping Etiquette - Wrapping Packages
Although there are no set rules in the world of swapping, there are a few guidelines. First, follow the set theme. Second make your box reflect the taste of the person you are sending it to - not necessarily your taste. Third, make your package fun to look at and fun to open. That's the focus of this post today.
Let's pretend that the photos in this post are for a "Pink Vintage" Swap. By reading through your partner's blog you see that they collect vintage birthday items, pottery and tablecloths so those are the main things you find to send them (along with more goodies to round out the set price limit).
"Oh, what's this on my doorstep? Oh! My swap package is here!"
"What's this? Plastic bags?"
Let's try that again.... with a few ideas to make your package *POP*!
"What's that on my doorstep? Oh! it must be my swap package!"
Pink tissue paper, a card to the recipient and a calling card from the sender.
Under the first layer of tissue paper - a taste of what's to come - pretty pink doily's, a pink horse show ribbon and a sweet pink bird.
Under that layer of tissue paper - lots of goodness all wrapped and specially packaged.
It's like Christmas! Lots of presents to open. You know, they are presents. Even though you are "swapping" you are really sending presents to the other person.
Make it fun to receive!
A sweet pink gift bag that fits the theme, filled with pink tissue paper and a sweet pink vintage doll peeking out of the wrapping.
The tablecloth is too lovely to wrap - so how about a tulle bag or just a ribbon around it?
A small pink Chinese take out inspired box with a "Happy Birthday" pick attached and a vintage Birthday Candle box.
Inside the container - pink cupcake picks, pink cupcake liners and pink ballerina cupcake toppers.
Inside the pink tissue paper, a vintage pinkish vase - a sweet vintage pink floral pin attached to the outside.
The end result is the same items. But, having them arrive in a well wrapped box, and having each item wrapped certainly makes it more fun to receive.
Use your imagination. Find items that can be used as gifts, but als0 as fun packaging. You can place a small fragile gift inside a oven mitt, or fill a vintage tin with ephemera items. The goal should be to make your package lovely to look at and lovely to open.
But, don't stress - HAVE FUN putting your package together and look forward to receiving your swap!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Sweet Goodness Swap - Coming Soon!
Leading up to the swap reveal, we will post a number of tutorials on swapping. If you are a new to the swapping world, these tutorials will help you learn the secrets of successful swapping.
*How to wrap items and packages in a fun creative way.
*How to handle should you need an extension or cannot fulfill your swap.
*Ideas for low cost swap extras.
Don't forget to check back in for the tutorials and for the BIG REVEAL on our newest Swap.
Don't get left out in the COLD. (hint*hint*)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Swap Questionnaire reminder
We hope you had a fun July 4th holiday weekend and were able to enjoy some of the treasures you received from your swap partners. Now that things have calmed down a bit, we hope you'll consider filling out and emailing us your answers to the Post Swap Questionnaire. (You'll find the questions in the post just below this one.) We've already received some responses and they've been very helpful to us as swap organizers so that we know what we can do to help our swappers send & receive the best packages possible. We definitely want to know what we can do to educate our swappers and improve our swaps, and we'd love to have more responses--so keep them coming!
Also, (and we hate to have to include this part) if there is anyone out there who hasn't yet received a swap package, please email us ASAP! If for some reason you haven't sent your swap package--contact your partner IMMEDIATELY and let them know what's going on! We truly hate for any of our swappers to have a bad experience in one of our swaps.
For everyone else, thanks so much for participating in our swap! Be sure to pop over to the Flickr group and see all the fun and creative ways our participants interpreted the theme--we know you'll be inspired! And send us those post-swap surveys!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Post Swap Questionaire
Anyone that has doen more than a few swaps can tell you that swapping is fun. It's fun to put things together, to get to know your partner and to get a box of goodies in the mail. But, for every few awesome fantastic boxes you get, there's the one that is so-so, or not so good. I've had a few arrive (not from SWG) that went straight to the donate bin or the trash bin. Those swaps just make you sad. ;o( And, no one likes to be sad.
The Goodness Girls want to know how your swap experience has been. We'd love for you to answer these questions about your experience, your partner and how you feel about Sweet Goodness Swaps. All answers will be held in confidence. If you were pleased, let us know. But, just the same, if you were not pleased for any reason (please specify) we would like to know that too.
Here goes....
Your name:_____________________________
1. Did you receive your package in a timely manner? If not, did your partner let you know it would not be on time?
2. Do you think the package you received was put together with thought to your likes and the theme itself?
3. Were your packages wrapped and fun to see when you opened the box?
4. Did you like most of what you received? Do you think you received equal to what you sent?
5. Did you receive items that were true to the theme? (Red, white, blue and Americana)
6. Did you receive anything that let you know that your partner specifically sent it FOR YOU - (something you collect, a certain crafting item you like or your favorite candy...)
7. How would you rate your parter and the box you received?
Terrible Good Yippppeeeee!
8. Did the Goodness Girls answer your emails and questions in a timely manner?
9. Will you return to SWS for our next swap?
10. Any additional comments? We'd love to hear them!
Please cut and paste these questions into an email and send them to .
We look forward to hearing from you!
**And, if you haven't already, please visit the link to our Flick'r page and post what you received and check out the goodies that everyone else sent and received. There is a lot of red, white and blue creativeness over there!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Don't forget to join our Flickr group!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Crafting Inspiration from Country Living magazine
In case you're still stumped for something fun to make, here's some vintage-style 4th of July crafting inspiration from one of my favorite sources, Country Living magazine!
These cute projects were featured in the July 2007 issue and were designed by Melissa Neufeld. Here's my version of the crepe paper rosette banner that was featured:

As always, please feel free to email us if you have any concerns. If by chance there are any of you who still haven't heard from your partners, please email us ASAP!
Happy Crafting!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
One more swapper needed!--GOT ONE! THANKS!
Did you hope to sign up for the Hurrah for the Red, White and Blue swap but miss your chance? We are in need of ONE MORE SWAPPER! If you are interested, please respond immediately to the swap email at hurrahswap2009 AT hotmail DOT com!
To those of you who are currently signed up for the swap, if you are interested in having more than one partner, you can email us as well! (This means you would send 2 packages and receive 2 packages).
Friday, June 5, 2009
Helpful links for new swappers
Also, don't forget to sign up for the Flickr group for this swap! Click on the image in the second sidebar feature to be taken directly to the group so you can join!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Swap button up for grabs!
We've created a swap button that you can put on your blog sidebar; you can see it over in the sidebar to the right -------> The code is right below it to install on your blog.
Here are instructions on how to install the button to a Blogger blog (Typepad or Wordpress users, I'm sorry but you're on your own!):
1. Open your blog and go to where it says "Customize" to get to the Add and Arrange Page Elements page. Click on "Add a Gadget" in the sidebar. Choose "HTML/JavaScript."
2. Copy the code in the box from the Sweet Goodness blog (that little box right below the swap button). Paste it into the "Content" box in your HTML/JavaScript window. You can choose to title it or not. Save to exit the window.
3. Save the changes to your blog and check out your new button! When you click on the swap button it should bring you here to the swap blog.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Red, White & Blue - It's All About YOU!
It's always helpful to know a bit about your partner when swapping. If your partner has a blog, that really helps. But, if your partner doesn't - well, then that makes it more difficult.

1. What is your decorating style? Vintage, glittery, old fashioned? Clean, bright and modern? Eclectic? Other?
2. Do you have any allergies? Scents? Foods?
3. Do you like to decorate certain areas for the 4th? Your house, hour patio, your porch, your garden, etc.
4. What are your hobbies? Crafting, reading, movies, thrifting, spelunking?
5. What sort of crafts do you enjoy? What sort of crafts don't you do?
6. What are your 4th of July traditions? Picnics, parades, boating, etc?
7. Do you have children? If so, how many and what are their ages?
8. Are you a cook? A baker? A Take-Out Queen?
9. What is your favorite scent? Least favorite?
10. What is your favorite sweet treat? (Chocolate melts this time of year...)
This is just a suggestion of questions. You don't have to answer them on your blog - just let your partner know your answers if you want. It will help you send a better swap and receive a better swap too!
Happy swapping,
*The Newest Goodness Girl*
Thanks girls!

And the swap is on!! Hurrah for the Red, White and Blue Sweet Goodness Swaps!
Partner emails are going out, please let us know if you don't receive your partner info ASAP!
Remember everyone who is joining along with us in our newest summer swap that Goodness Rules here at Sweet Goodness Swaps. We ask that you communicate with your partner, get to know her, and keep to the swap rules as far as contents, shipping times, and theme of the swap. Please join our flickr pool, located at the right of the blog sidebar. Use the group to share pics of your package received and sent so we all can ooohhh and ahhhh at all the Red White and Blue Goodness that will soon be traveling from coast to coast!!
The Goodness Girls!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Welcome, Shara!
If you haven't visited Shara's blog, Monkey Box, you are missing out! Shara is a wonderful writer, an incredible thrifter and a marvelous crafter. We are so happy she has agreed to give us a hand here at SGS. With Shara on board we'll be able to open our swaps to larger groups and have one more creative mind to come up with fun swap ideas.
Welcome, Shara!
Spots are filling up FAST for the Hurrah for the Red, White and Blue Swap! Send an email with your name and blog address (or other web page if you have one) to Sign ups end tomorrow!!!
The Goodness Girls
Rebecca, Heidi, Leigh Ann, Lucy and SHARA!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Swap sign-up is now OPEN!
RULES: Please send your partner a package with at least one handmade item, one thrifted/second hand/vintage item and one sweet treat. Items should be in a red, white and blue and Americana theme.
You may include other items as you see fit but please try to stay in the price range of under $20 not including shipping.
SIGN UP BY: Friday, May 29 - HURRY!
Please note: This swap is limited to the first 50 people. Swap sign-up will close when we reach 50 participants or on May 29th, whichever comes first. Swaps fill up quick, so don't delay! Please remember this swap is open to US residents only.
SEND OUT BY: Friday, June 19th to allow everyone to receive their goodies before the July 4th holiday.
TO SIGN UP: Send us an email at with your name and a link to your blog, webpage or etsy shop if you have one.
Please remember that if you sign up for the swap you are making a commitment to follow it through to the end! If for some reason you will be late or are unable to finish the swap please send us an email at
Rebecca, Lucy, Heidi, & Leigh Ann
The Goodness Girls
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Swap guidelines: Send your partner a package of goodies celebrating everything Americana with a red, white and blue theme! Package should include: one handmade item, one thrifted item, and one craft supply. Please keep your packages to $20, not including shipping. Mail-out deadline is Friday, June 19 to allow us to get our packages before July 4th. Due to the nature of this swap, this one is open to USA residents only--international folks, we'll catch you on the next swap!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
From Sea to Shining Sea

You're a grand old flag, you're a high flying flag . . .
Stay tuned! Summer Swap to be announced!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Swap Flickr Group
Just a friendly reminder that the mail out deadline for The Winning Hand swap is Monday, March 9--that's one week from yesterday! If for some reason you won't be able to make the deadline, PLEASE be a courteous swapper and contact your partner right away to let her know of the delay.
We have set up a Flickr group for this swap to show off all the fun things you are sending and receiving! Please be sure to note who the items are from/to. We can't wait to see all the creative ways you've found to interpret our theme!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Partner Emails have been sent!
Please be sure to email your partner and introduce yourself! Exchange information about what you like, styles, colors, hobbies, etc. Everyone loves to receive a swap package that is tailored to what they personally like!
One other thing--there is no color theme for this swap! You may choose to stick with the traditional red and black like you see on playing cards OR you can go out of the box and choose springtime pastels or your partner's favorite colors! Be creative and look at different ways you can represent the suits of hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs. We can't wait to see what you all come up with!
REMEMBER...the swap send out date is Monday, March 9!
Monday, February 9, 2009
SWAP Closed!
The Goodness Girls
Saturday, January 31, 2009
We've fallen in love with the idea of doing a swap with the four suits - Diamonds, Clubs, Spades, & Hearts - and we know you will, too. There are so many ways to incorporate them into our crafty, thrifty ways. Have fun with it!
RULES: Please send your partner a winning package with at least one handmade item, one thrifted/second hand/vintage item and one sweet treat. All four suits must be represented in some manner.
You may include other items as you see fit but please try to stay in the price range of under $20 not including shipping.
SIGN UP BY: Friday, February 6th - HURRY!
Please note: This swap is limited to the first 50 people. Swap sign-ups will close when we reach 50 participants or on February 6th, whichever comes first. Swaps fill up quick, so don't delay!
SEND OUT BY: Monday, March 9th
TO SIGN UP: Send us an email at Please remember that if you sign up for the swap you are making a commitment to follow it through to the end. If for some reason you will be late or are unable to finish the swap please send us an email at
Here's to A Winning Hand!
Rebecca, Lucy, Heidi, & Leigh Ann
The Goodness Girls
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Somethings coming . . .

You can bet this one will be a good one!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Hibernating . .

But don't fret! WE WILL BE BACK bigger and better than ever. We plan to relaunch SGS in January with our first ever Winter Themed Swap. Perhaps it will be a silvery snow theme or a red bird and pine cone theme. You'll just have to wait and see. :)
So please hang in there and visit us in 2009.
From all of us here at Sweet Goodness - Rebecca, Lucy, Heidi and Leigh Ann - have safe and happy holidays!
The Goodness Girls
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Swap Shipping Day: June 30th!

Tick tock says the clock!! We hope all you Sweet Goodness Swapper gals are having fun collecting the polka dots, opening the parasols, and swigging down the pink lemonade for this swap!!
Shipping date is coming up next week--by June 30th your items should be in the mail. While we didn't require you to get a confirmation number, it may be a good idea to track your item if possible and share that number with your partner so they are aware of when to expect your swap items!
We love to check out the photos of all your wonderful swap items so you can upload them here.
Please tell us about the package and who your partner is!!
Thank you all for joining our swaps--please be sure to grab our feed so you can be first to know about our next swap!! We are now limiting our swap to the first 50 or 60 participants to keep things manageable for all, so getting in early is key!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Martha's Frozen Margarita

Heat 1 cup sugar and 1 1/2 cups water in a small saucepan, stirring to dissolve sugar
Stir in 2 cups fresh lime juice.
Pour into 9 X 13 inch metal pan and freeze overnight.
Just before serving, scrape with a spoon until slushy.
Stir in 1 cup tequila.
Transfer to glasses and garnish with lime! Viva Margarita!
From July 2008 Martha Stewart Living
Martha's traditional non-frozen margarita recipe can be found here.
I'm thinking that this would be a nice if you replaced the tequila with seltzer for a non-alcholic lime fizzy drink!

The Summer Swap is in full swing! If you haven't heard from your partner yet please drop us a line at Remember to check your spam folders just in case your partners emailed landed in there!
cheers ~ The Goodness Girls
Monday, June 9, 2008
20 Questions!

Let's Get to Know Each Other And Play 20 Questions!
Please copy and paste into your blog (if you don't have a blog, please email your partner with your replies).
1. What is your favorite Summer Drink(s)?
2. What is your favorite Summer Activity?
3. If you could spend a lazy afternoon reading, what would be in your hands?
4. What is your favorite type of craft/art medium?
5. What is one art/craft supply you absolutely have been dying to have or try?
6. What are your favorite colors in our 'rainbow sherbet' theme? Pink, lime green, yellow, orange, aqua (or blue)
7. What is your favorite sweet treat?
8. Are there any craft or art supplies you would NOT be interested in receiving?
9. What is your favorite song today?
10. How do you 'pamper' yourself during the hot summer days?
11. Do you have any kidlets or pets?
12. What is your best potluck dish for summer get togethers?
13. If you could take a summer vacation anywhere, where would it be?
14. Describe your decorating style. Does that say anything about your personality?
15. What are your initials?
16. Why do you like to join swaps?
17. You have 25 dollars to spend just on you for a little treat. What do you buy? ((you can list more than one thing)
18. What's one craft supply or art supply you absolutely can not live without?
19. Who's the last person you hugged?
20. What's your favorite number and why?
***Just a little mis mash of questions to help you get to know your partner!! Please comment on this post once you have your 20 questions up so we ALL can visit you, too!!!*****
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Partners Paired!

The partner emails went out to all participants this weekend. Please let us know asap if you did not receive information from us.
**If we don't have a link correct or are missing yours (we had several join that did not provide us their blog) please let us know so we can correct or add yours!!!
Robin & Kersten
Tamy & Ceekay
Leslie & Melissa
Paula & Ali
Rebecca & Melissa
Renee & Kimberly
Cynthia & Julia
Jennifer & Michele
Kelley & Lola
Amy & Leigh Ann
Kelly & Karen
Susan & Sarah
Heidi & Kari
Lucy & Katie S.
Stephanie & Jilly
Shara & Heidi S.
Vallen & Katie B.
Lyn & Rachel
Kirsten & Mandi
Geri & Sarah S.
Mary & Maureen
Wendy & Jane
Hope & Jenn
Leah & Tiffany
Wowza--we are so tickled to see so many 'veteran' Sweet Goodness Swappers as well as all the new peeps join us!!
Stay tuned for:
Getting to know you Summer Swap questionairre
Summer Drink recipes
Craft/Art project ideas
Flickr Page for all send outs
And anything else the Goodness Girls can come up with!!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Swap is CLOSED
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm! :)
The Goodness Girls
Monday, June 2, 2008
Parasols, Pink Lemonade & Polka Dots Summer Swap
Three wonderful things that make us think of lazy summer days! The idea is simple, put together a package for your partner to help her enjoy the coming summer months incorporating the three theme items. We know this make be a little tricky so here are some ideas to start:
Parasols - drink umbrellas
Pink Lemonade - brings to mind the colors pink and yellow and cool summer drinks
Polka Dots - that one is easy and who doesn't love polka dots?
Throughout the swap we'll be posting ideas, drink recipes and inspiration to help you on your way. Have fun with this one!
THEME: Parasols, Pink Lemonade & Polka Dots
Please send your partner a package full of summery goodness incorporating the theme of parasols, pink lemonade and polka dots. Please include at least one handmade item, one thrifted/second hand/vintage item and one sweet treat. You may include other items as you see fit but please try to stay in the price range of under $20 not including shipping. Get to know your partner and exchange a little summer cheer.
COLORS: No specific colors but "summery" brights and sherbet colors fit the theme (pink, orange, blue, yellow and green)
SIGN UP BY: Friday June 6th - HURRY! Please note: This swap is limited to the first 50 people! Swap sign-ups will close when we reach 50 participants or on June 6th, whichever comes first. Spots are going VERY QUICKLY, so don't delay!
SEND OUT BY: Monday June 30th
TO SIGN UP: Send us an email at
Please remember that if you sign up for the swap you are making a commitment to follow it through to the end. If for some reason you will be late or are unable to finish the swap please send us an email at
Here's to summer!
The Goodness Girls
Friday, May 2, 2008
Must See Flickr Page: Spring Time In Paris!

Be sure to check out our Flickr page for more wonderful Spring time in Paris photos!!
Thank you to all of our loyal Sweet Goodness Swappers!! As always, it was lots of fun :)

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Mail Day Coming Up!!

Hello Paris Swappers!!! The time is almost upon us to ship out your lovely Spring Time in Paris packages (holy smolly, where does time go???))!
Send out date is: April 28th
PLEASE upload your photos either sent or received to our Flickr Group:
Last but not least, please drop your partner a line and let them know when you received your package (and thank
We hope you had some creative fun as well as made a friend along the way during this swap!! We appreciate you joining and playing along so nicely :)
Stay tuned for our next swap coming up this summer!! Whooohooo--it's going to be a juicy one!!
The Goodness Girls!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Partners Paired
Partner emails were sent out last night. Please let us know at if you have not received your email.
Please be sure to email your partner, introduce yourself, and exchange addresses.
Happy swapping!
The Goodness Girls
Rebecca, Lucy, Heidi, Leigh Ann
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Springtime In Paris Swappers--
Hold tight, we are traveling across the creative waters for this swap!!
We can not wait to see what all you wonderful ladies are going to come up with this time!
The Goodness Girls