Drum Roll Please!!!!!
The Goodness Girls Proudly announce the finalists in our Container Contest portion of our Summer Bucket Full of Fun Swap!
Decorating or creating a unique container was a big portion of the swap and our participants did not let us down, we had everything from boxes, buckets, bags, to balloons (and more) to choose from and it was a VERY VERY hard task as you all were winners!
But a contest is a contest, we had to make a choice so here in reverse order are the winners:

In Third Place, we have Jessie's bag from
Jump and Down Blog--vintage fabric, sweet ruffles and wonderful craftmanship won us over on this beauty!! Congratulations Jessie--Rebecca will be sending you some Sweet Goodness Treasures next week!

Next is our Second Place finalist--Linda of
Yellow Rose Cottage Blog. This package totally LIFTED us up out of our swap seats when we saw this most inventive packaging for her container! Inquiring minds wanna know how you shipped this Linda!! Totally cool container--congrats on your 2nd place finish!!! Be on the look out for a Sweet Goodness Treat from
me next week!!!

Last but not least is our 1st Place winner----Paula from
On a Rainy Night. Paula hand crocheted this lovely bag with
raffia ( I had no idea you could even do that!), lined it with some sweet yellow and orange fabric and embellished with a hottie looking orange and yellow mermaid! We loved this ultra cute container and wanna give you a round of applause for trying something totally outside of the box for your container!!
Miss Thrifty Goodness will have a Sweet Goodness grand prize pack out to you next week!!
Thank you all for participating in our Summer Swap!!
Keep your bloglines set---we will anounce our next (and last swap) of 2007 sometime in September!
Thanks for playing with us this summer!! :)
Now--get busy on your Holiday crafts!!!
Wow - I'm honored! Thanks!
yummo :)
Holy Cow! Are you kidding?! I won?! I, like Jessi, am so honored! I can't believe this!! There were so many wonderful containers out there. Thank you so much!!
Thank you so very much for chosing my container. I am very honored!! There were so many nice and crafty containers and I thought everyone really did a great job. I am looking forward to a new swap.
Thanks again to the Goodness Girls.
These containers are great! Congrats to everyone!
Congrats to the winners!!! =D
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